Greetings from the Vermont Mortgage Company! As always, we hope the weekend was kind to you, whether you stayed home or went out. Since one of our own is currently going through a kitchen renovation, we figured  this week we’d share some helpful tips on home renovations. While massive DIY projects may seem daunting or fun, it is important to do them safely! So we have once again rattled our brains and found some helpful tips for to hopefully serve you well!

  1. Safety Equipment – Don’t skimp out on the important stuff! No home renovation is worth putting yourself in hospital for. Make sure you have sturdy boots, proper attire, goggles, and helmet. A hard hat is cheaper than brain surgery, so it is better to fork out for high quality equipment. Stay safe out there!
  2. Ladders – If you plan on working high on scaffolding or ladders, make sure it is always secure and in good condition. Believe it or not, hundreds of thousands of Americans are injured from working on ladders every year, many injuries requiring a hospital visit. Never go above the top 2 rungs of the ladder, and make sure to keep your body centered. If you’re nervous about working on high places, there’s no harm in calling a professional. Especially if you want to work on something like a roof.
  3. Health Hazards – Make sure you know what your home is made of! If you’re unsure, always test for lead paint or asbestos in your walls. Test kits are available to purchase at many home improvement centers. Always wear protective gloves and face masks. If you do have anything hazardous, get a professional in to remove it. Any children or pregnant women should be out of the house until it’s removed.
  4. The sharpest tool in the shed – make sure to keep drill heads and blades sharp. Dull tools will require more pressure, which can lead to them snapping or binding. Also, make sure to read the owners manual and instructions! They may be boring, but are essential to staying safe.
  5. Health Kits – Even though you may be the most careful renovator out there, there’s always a chance you’ll get a stroke of bad luck and hit your thumb with a hammer. Always keep a first aid kit handy for any cuts or bruises that you may get. Make sure there’s some ice packs in the freezer as well. Keep any wounds clean from dust, as this can lead to even more complications. For worst case scenarios, know the location of your nearest hospital.

We hope these tips are helpful to those looking to pursue the journey of renovating their home! We don’t mean to scare you, but we do want you to be as safe as possible. As ever, please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have, or builder recommendations! Our phone is waiting at 802-863-2020, or check in on our website where we are always open!

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