Jumbo Loans

Are you in the market for a large, single-family home? A jumbo loan may be the right fit for you.

A loan above the maximum loan amount established by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac is known as a jumbo loan. In Vermont, that limit is $806,500. Because jumbo loans are bought and sold on a much smaller scale, they often have a slightly higher interest rate than conforming loans, but the spread between the two varies with the economy.

At Vermont Mortgage Company, we’ve helped many Vermonters move into the home of their dreams with successful jumbo loans.

Need more information or advice? We invite you to take advantage of our database of the most competitive lenders available. Just complete a short rate request form, and we will contact you with the best program and rate combination available for your Vermont mortgage.

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Mortgage News

Home Maintenance for April – How to Best Prepare for Spring

Greetings from the Vermont Mortgage Company! We hope you're out enjoying the beautiful weather! With April already in full swing, we wanted to share with you some tips on preparing your house for the coming Spring. This will be especially useful to those who are...